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Gun News

Shell Tech Makes A Case For Better Ammo

Brass cartridge cases have been the traditional material used in ammunition since the beginning. Partly because it was inexpensive and easy to form. Then along comes a company like Shell Tech, who makes a totally different cartridge case that completely outperforms brass in so many ways you might question why you are still using brass all together. The FBI uses Shell Tech 5.56 NATO ammo, and there are several special forces teams overseas that have made the switch to Shell Tech ammunition. They also have letters of intent with agencies they can’t reveal at the moment.

Shell Tech is the ammunition brand produced by Shell Shock Technologies, which has been pioneering and innovating cartridge manufacturing since 2015. In 2024, they launched their own ammunition line called Shell Tech Ammo, which is manufactured in Georgia. Their flagship product is the NAS3 (Nickel Alloy Shell) cartridge case that is 50 percent lighter than conventional brass cases. While light weight is important whether you are humping mags in a vest or concealed carrying, the design of the of the case is the next step in the evolution of firearm cartridge performance.

“Our ammo has been extensively tested by leading LE and military agencies,” explains Peter Foss, CEO of Shell Sock Technologies. “And it has been shown to be two times more accurate and have higher velocity than brass cased ammo.” The reason for the better performance is the NAS3 case. The cartridge case is made in two pieces; a base and a case. Pistol cases use an aluminum base and rifle cases use a stainless one. The stainless steel case is thinner and stronger than brass. Since it is thinner, it can hold 1 to 8 percent more powder, which translates into more velocity and better accuracy.

“Our ammo has more velocity compared to the same caliber and bullet weight of competitors,” says Steve Fox COO of Shell Tech. “You will notice that Shell Tech ammo has more pop to it and better performance.”

Performance Is In The Details

The details in the case design all support better performance, like the larger diameter flash hole. The larger hole allows the primer to more uniformly ignite the powder charge in the case. Since the case is stainless steel, the case doesn’t balloon out like brass, but springs back to its near original size after it is fired. This means extraction of the empty case is easier. The stainless steel alloy is also self-lubricating, and it is less abrasive than brass as it cycles through the gun. There is no issue of the this ammo wearing out ejector nor extractors. Plus the case is corrosion resistant. Shell Tech ammo out performs even nickel-plated brass.

I know what you are thinking: Steel and aluminum case ammo is cheap and some brands gunk up up your gun. That steel and aluminum case ammo is made cheap to be sold cheap. Don’t think for a millisecond that Shell Tech ammo is anything but performance ammo. 

Shell Tech’s product line-up includes calibers popular with competitive shooters, self-defense and training. Pistol calibers include .380 ACP and 9mm; rifle calibers include 5.56 NATO, 300 ACC Blackout, and .308 Winchester. Pistol bullet choices include FMJs for training and competition and fluted poly/copper projectiles suitable for self-defense. Rifle bullets include an all-copper bullet, Nosler Varmegeddon bullets and FMJs. Foss hinted that other caliber offerings are in the works and will be ready for prime time in the very near future.

Ammo Subscription Service

Taking a play out of an online shaving supplies company’s book, Shell Tech offers a subscription service. You can receive automatic shipments of ammo to your door in one-, two-, or three-month increments. No worries about not finding ammo on your dealer’s shelf nor worries about any ammo shortages.

“We have seen powder going toward military contracts and that diverts powder for commercial production,” says Foss. “We invested and have secured enough powder to supply our customers and especially our ammo subscribers.” When you subscribe to ammo, Shell Tech gives you a 15-percent discount. In some instances, subscribing to Shell Tech ammo is less than purchasing other brands at your local gun shop or online.

Can Shell Tech Ammo Be Reloaded?

If you are wondering, Shell Tech pistol ammo can be reloaded. The rifle cases are not designed to be reloaded. If you are a reloader, you can purchase pistol and rifle cases for handloading. A special die is needed to reload the cases. It is spring loaded to push out shell cases from inside instead of pulling them from the outside like a traditional die. Shell Tech cases are also magnetic, so cleaning up empties after training sessions is easy with a magnet.

Shell Tech Cost vs. Brass Cases

With all the engineering and testing that has gone into NAS3 cases, Shell Tech ammo should cost a premium, but it doesn’t. The cost of Shell Tech ammo is comparable to brass. So you might be asking yourself why you haven’t tried Shell Tech ammo?

Read the full article here

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