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Gun News

CCRKBA Blasts Biden For Latest School Shooting Response

School shootings are horrendous events that affect far more people than they should. As tragedies go, the act of a student shooting and killing teachers and other students shows a disrespect for life that is impossible for most of us to comprehend.

The most recent event, where a female student killed a teacher and another student and wounded several others at a Christian School in Wisconsin, is no less tragic. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected.

That said, when cynical politicians seek to politicize such an event to gain ground in the ongoing national debate over gun control, we believe it’s appropriate to point that out. Especially when that cynical politician is the president of the United States, and the laws he touts immediately following the tragedy would have done nothing to prevent that tragedy.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) recently blasted Biden for doing just that after the Wisconsin murders.

“With just over one month remaining in his disastrous term, Joe Biden just couldn’t restrain himself from once again rolling out his one-size-fits-all gun control wish list in his statement from the White House,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said in a December 17 news release. “Demanding that Congress quickly pass universal background check (registration) legislation and ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ in response to this terrible crime is one of the stupidest, but expected reactions from a career gun prohibitionist whose history of gaffes is legendary.”

As Gottlieb pointed out, the 15-year-old shooter who, incidentally, used a handgun in the attack, was not old enough to legally purchase a firearm.

“Joe Biden knows 15-year-olds can’t legally buy handguns anywhere in this country,” Gottlieb continued, “so a call for background checks is irrelevant. Police have recovered a handgun, which was used in the shooting, so calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and their magazines is also irrelevant and dishonest. Indeed, such demands underscore just how irrelevant Joe Biden and his gun-ban agenda have become.”

As Gottlieb pointed out, the attack on the school was truly horrendous. But penalizing those who had nothing to do with it is not a logical way to keep the same from happening in the future.

“We join all Americans in deploring this horrible crime,” Gottlieb said. “But attempting to penalize every law-abiding citizen who owns or may someday wish to purchase a firearm will not undo the tragedy. Biden, and his fellow gun prohibitionists all know the incident in Madison would not have been prevented, even if all of the laws he now wants passed had already been in effect. It is dishonest to suggest otherwise, but, of course, honesty has hardly been the earmark of the Biden administration.”

In the end, Gottlieb believes Biden’s propensity to talk first before thinking, or even without thinking, doesn’t help lead to a solution to the problem of school shootings.

“In the aftermath of this tragedy, common sense and cooler heads must prevail,” he said. “Instead of shooting from the lip, as Biden has done throughout his 50-plus years in politics, we look forward to working with the next administration on rational preventive measures and intelligent solutions, such as armed resource officers and improved mental health counseling, instead of spewing specious sound-bite suggestions which shift blame from the perpetrator to a constitutionally-enumerated fundamental right.”

Read the full article here

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